Every moment counts
The Homeless Outreach Program delivers mobile street outreach to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in St Louis and surrounding areas. Outreach workers seek out individuals in need living on the streets, under viaducts, and other places not meant for human habitation. The team offers basic survival items, food, sleeping bags, coats, and other necessities. Through consistent contact, the outreach team works to build trust in order to learn about the needs of those served. Outreach workers offer referrals, care coordination, and transportation to services in the community.
Become A Volunteer
Join us for Street Ministry on the streets of St. Louis EVERY Wednesday evening providing food, clothing, and misc. items to those living on the streets.
Our values
Christians are called to love one another as they love themselves and to show compassion and care for those in need.
Partner Organizations & Sponsors
We partner with faith based homeless advocacy and non-profits in the St Louis and surrounding areas.